Plan escápate

Comparte una agradable estancia al mejor estilo Rosé


57 (604) 4605370-71-72


Comparte una agradable estancia, cena y desayuno al mejor estilo Rosé, olvídate de la rutina y entregate a lo natural.

  • Alojamiento
  • Desayuno en habitación o restaurante MICAERA
  • Fondue de chocolate
  • Botella de vino



    Una experiencia única para vivir en pareja en la que sentirás el sabor dulce de las frutas, el aroma del chocolate y el gusto exquisito del vino.

  • Alojamiento
  • Desayuno en habitación o restaurante MICAERA
  • Decoración romántica o de cumpleaños
  • Botella de vino
  • Corazón de chocolate con frutos rojos
  • PLAN


    Decoración en la habitación tipo Picnic, disfruta de tu plan con una tabla de quesos y madurados, botella de vino, corazón de chocolate, frutos de temporada y salsa de chocolate y  frutos secos

  • Alojamiento
  • Decoración romántica o de cumpleaños
  • Botella de vino
  • Desayuno en habitación o restaurante MICAERA
  • PLAN


    Disfruta de la tranquilidad, el confort y de una experiencia para vivir el amor.

  • Alojamiento
  • Desayuno en habitación o restaurante MICAERA
  • Toques de decoración romántica
  • Botella de vino
  • Fondue de chocolate o mini-tabla de quesos
    Preguntas frecuentes
    • Arriving at The Spa
      Please arrive at The Spa 15 minutes prior to your scheduled treatment and enjoy the calm and serenity of The Spa atmosphere. Arriving late makes it necessary to curtail the time for your treatment.
    • Mobile Phones
      Kindly refrain from using your mobile phone in The Spa premises. Please keep your mobile phone on silent mode at all times.
    • Valuables
      We provide a secure place for your personal items inside The Spa complex. However, we do not accept liability for loss or damage. We recommend valuable items are stored inside the safe located in your hotel room/suite.
    • Health Matters
      Please communicate health conditions such as high blood pressure and allergies, as well as pregnancy or any health-related concerns you may have when making your appointment. We do not recommend the consumption of alcohol before or directly after spa treatments or before using any facilities in the Spa and Health Club.
    • Children
      The minimum age for entry to The Spa, The Health Club and the hydrothermal facilities is 16 years of age. Children under the age of 16 may use the hotel pool if they are accompanied by a parent/adult.
    • Safety
      The max depth of the pool is 1.60 m. There is no lifeguard at the pool. Children may only use the pool if accompanied by an adult or parent/guardian.
    • Smoking
      Kindly note that you are not allowed to smoke in The Spa, The Health Club or sauna area.

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